Saturday, January 21, 2012

Super PACs out spend campaigns in S.C. ad war blitz

If Mitt Romney loses to Newt Gingrich in South Carolina's Saturday primary, it won't be from a lack television ad spending.

Just in the last week, Romney's Republican presidential campaign dished out $550,000 to run campaign commercials in the Palmetto State, more than any of his three remaining rivals for the GOP nomination, according to estimates by Campaign Media Analysis Group (CMAG), a company that tracks and estimates the costs of campaign ads running on the air.

And a Republican source familiar with ad buys in the state told CNN that the Romney campaign has spent $1.9 million total on the South Carolina airwaves, while a super PAC backing Romney has spent roughly $2.5 million.

Gingrich, meanwhile, spent just $640,000 total on television here.

"Winning Our Future," a super PAC supporting Gingrich, has spent $1.76 million – far less than the $3.4 million the group promised to shell out for a hard-edged ad attacking Romney's record at the private equity firm Bain Capital.

That controversial ad only ran for a few days.

The most recent week saw the heaviest spending. The CMAG numbers indicate that Rep. Ron Paul of Texas shelled out more than $460,000 to run spots in the last week, with former Sen. Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania spending more than $376,000 to put up ads on TV.


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