The mainstream media's response to the incident has included a lot of whitewashing, as well as a full-scale damage control operation to reaffirm the supposed safety of Gardasil, which is alleged by Merck to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) and some forms of cervical cancer. But the cat is out of the bag as thousands of curious Americans, many for the first time, are learning about the very real dangers associated with the Gardasil vaccine.
Not long after the vaccine was approved back in 2006, Gardasil's deadly side effects quickly began to emerge. Reports came in about young girls experiencing seizures and developing chronic neurological problems, as well as other conditions, immediately after receiving one or more of the three-part Gardasil vaccination schedule.
And according to Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, there were already more than 1,200 adverse events from the vaccine logged in the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) less than a year after its release (
And because as little as one percent of adverse events are even reported in VAERS, Dr. Tenpenny says that as many as 126,000 instances of "acute health problems" may have resulted from young girls getting their Gardasil shots.
A report was put together by a group of mothers whose daughters died or became seriously injured after receiving either Gardasil or Cervarix. Cervarix is another, but less popular, HPV vaccine produced by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
Major adverse events caused by the shots include the development of autoimmune disorders, paralysis, Guillain Barre Syndrome, seizures, migraine headaches, blindness, hearing loss, memory loss, and death (
With Rick perry vying for the White House, it's worth seeing what lengths he has gone to in the past to promote the bottom line of big businesses like pharmaceuticals in the past, over the public health. Merck had a captive audience with young girls being unaware of the dangers of the drug, but Perry's support through industry bribery should give the public enough reason to discount him from future public office. Rick perry more than meets the stereotype of a corrupt politician.
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