Friday, February 10, 2012

Stupid and ignorant people are Running America

Former presidential candidate Herman Cain triumphantly took the stage at CPAC this afternoon in front of a friendly crowd to explain something many attendees already believe: that their ideological opponents on the left aren't "misguided" (as Sen. Rand Paul later offered) but downright stupid.

Many, just like Cain, are just as misguided and ignorant on the Right as well. 

"We must outsmart the liberals," Cain said. "We must outsmart the people who are trying to ruin this country." But, he said, it wasn't just the stupid people who were ruining the country: "Stupid and ignorant people are ruining America," Cain posited — and running it.

The attendees at CPAC needed to understand that Cain didn't leave the race because he was one of the "stupid" people. Rather, Cain said, he left for two reasons: "gutter politics" and because he "chose to put family first." Cain's remarks about the political process likely have more resonance now than they did in the wake of allegations of sexual harassment against Cain, given that the GOP primary has turned more negative in the last few weeks.

Cain then turned to attack the newly-positive employment numbers. Despite the fact that the underemployment rate has been calculated as an alternate measure of unemployment since long before the economic crisis began, conservatives have begun to call for the always-higher rate to be used as the standard measure rather than the unemployment calculation that has been in use for decades. Cain, for his part, called using the standard unemployment rate a "manipulation" of the Obama administration.


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