Friday, October 16, 2015

Clinton Spanish Posters: Hillary Or Evita?

A campaign poster for Hillary may seem a poor choice, or maybe just truth in advertising... 

"The image of the black-clad Clinton profile may seem familiar to those who love either Argentinean history or musical theater — specifically Andrew Lloyd Weber's "Evita.""

"The 1978 musical told the story of Eva Peron, the actress turned first lady of Argentina. Seen as ruthless and cunning, she and her husband drew support from the "descamisados," or the poor and the working class, to climb to power."

Truth is stranger than fiction... 


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Feinstein wants to delete The Anarchist Cookbook from the Internets

Senator Diane Feinstein tends to be ignorant of a great deal of subjects in which she involves herself. The latest is the Internet:

"I am particularly struck that the alleged bombers made use of online bombmaking guides like the Anarchist Cookbook and Inspire Magazine," Feinstein wrote. "These documents are not, in my view, protected by the First Amendment and should be removed from the Internet."

Feinstein only admits through her speeches how much she does not know about the world around her, including how the Internets work.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Mandatory Voting: A Bad Idea

President Obama believes that forcing people to vote is a good idea. But is voting still a right if one has no choice to abstain? Sheldon Richman breaks it down at

"If voting is a right, it can't be a duty, and if it's a duty, it can't a right. Perhaps it's neither."


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Self-destructive Campaign

Hillary Clinton continues to make bad decisions, whether through policy as head of the State Department, or in preparing for a calamitous big for the presidency.

"For a would-be presidential candidate with her deep experience in Washington, that's a lot of unforced errors. The foundation shouldn't have accepted donations from foreign countries so that no one could ever accuse Clinton of being influenced by that money. She should have stopped giving paid speeches a long time ago. And she should have used a government email address at the State Department. These should all be easy decisions to make, and yet Clinton got them all wrong. (And, in the case of the paid speeches, continues to get wrong.)"
