Thursday, May 31, 2012

Warren: The legend of Fauxcahontas' little big lie

It started when Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren was said to have used tenuous claims of Native American heritage to further her career. The defense for listing herself as a minority in a directory of law professors for almost a decade rested on the roots of Warren's great-great-great-grandmother. If true, that would make Warren 1/32 Cherokee. It was not. Now, Warren relies on tales of "high cheekbones" and media outlets like the Boston Globe, which buried the news that she was 0.00 percent Cherokee. It's hard to see how Harvard's first blond-haired, blue-eyed "woman of color" will get her campaign back on track.
What, just this one insignificant lie from Warren that we are taking issue with? I think that we can refer to a wealth of malignant in her voting record for better reasons to end her political career.

Warren: The legend of Fauxcahontas' little big lie | Times 247

Obama awards Medal of Freedom to avowed socialist

President Obama awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Tuesday to Dolores Huerta, an 82-year-old labor activist and co-founder of the United Farm Workers union.

Huerta is also an honorary chair of the Democratic Socialists of America.

DSA describes itself as “the largest socialist organization in the United States, and the principal U.S. affiliate of the Socialist International.”

Huerta has claimed, “Republicans hate Latinos,” and has spoken fondly of Hugo Chavez’s despotic regime in Venezuela.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Obama's big deficit lie

President Obama claims federal budget deficits have not soared out of control during his administration. He has officially jumped the shark.

Maybe that's not quite the best expression, as claims of budgetary stability are simply misinformation at best, most likely just state propaganda. 

On Wednesday at a Denver fundraiser, Mr. Obama said he was "running to pay down our debt in a way that's balanced and responsible." He claimed that "after inheriting a $1 trillion deficit, I signed $2 trillion of spending cuts into law" and that since he has been president, "federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years. Think about that." It doesn't take much thought to see that this is the most absurd claim in political memory.

Mr. Obama is basing his boast on an already discredited study by journalist Rex Nutting that purported to show that "Obama has been the most fiscally moderate president we've had in 60 years." Among other fatal problems with the study is that it omits all spending that took place during the first nine months of the Obama administration, which were the last nine months of fiscal 2009. Thus, all of the initial spending programs to which the White House points with pride - particularly the failed nearly trillion-dollar economic stimulus program - are George W. Bush's responsibility so far as Mr. Nutting is concerned.

The "savings" Mr. Obama signed into law were all based on rosy economic projections, none of which has come true. The fiscal 2010 budget, fancifully titled "A New Era of Responsibility," projected a $1.2 trillion cut in the deficit to $533 billion by 2013. The fiscal 2012 budget, which had no hopeful title, raised this number to $768 billion. Mr. Obama's September 2011 deficit-reduction proposal further raised the projected 2013 deficit to $912 billion. The fiscal 2010 budget also hopefully projected 6.26 percent economic growth for 2012 rather than the anemic 1 percent to 2 percent growth the country is suffering. Naturally, Mr. Obama would much rather make reference to the imagined future his economists projected than to the grim reality he actually created.

Other simple metrics show the disastrous impact of Mr. Obama on the deficit. The 2009 budget deficit was three times that of 2008. The deficit as a percentage of gross domestic product went from 3.1 percent in 2008 to 9.9 percent in 2009. The deficit for the first month of fiscal 2010 was $176 billion, which was greater than the $161 billion deficit for all of 2007. In his first 986 days in office, up to Oct. 3, 2011, Mr. Obama oversaw a $4.2 trillion increase in the national debt, which was more than the debt accrued by all presidents from George Washington to George H.W. Bush combined.

It's no wonder why Mr. Obama wants to portray himself as a deficit hawk. The federal budget deficit is the second-most-important issue in the election after jobs, on which Mr. Obama's record is equally dismal. The White House has never submitted a proposal that has come close to balancing the federal budget, even with 10-year projections to work with. The flawed economic assumptions used to sell Mr. Obama's programs were a bait-and-switch that left America mired in unsustainable levels of debt. It's incredible that Mr. Obama believes he can get away with such a big lie. He seems simply to have lost his grip on reality.

LAMBRO: Bad news for Obama in the mountains - Washington Times

President Obama isn't doing so well in some of his party primaries where a surprisingly large number of Democrats are giving him the thumbs down.

Big surprise; even moderate liberals think Obama is extreme. Hello Mr. Obvious. 

The national news media are paying little attention to the Democrats' presidential primaries because Mr. Obama is assured of his nomination. But the large size of the anti-Obama vote - exposing deep unrest in his party's political base - has shaken his campaign's high command.

The latest explosions erupted Tuesday in the Kentucky and Arkansas primaries, which, of course, Mr. Obama won easily. But a stunning 42 percent of Kentucky Democrats voted for "uncommitted" on their ballots.

In yellow dog Democrat Arkansas, 42 percent voted for a little-known Tennessee lawyer, John Wolfe, over the president of the United States.

Two weeks ago in the West Virginia primary, Keith Judd, a convicted felon and now Texas prison inmate, got 41 percent of the vote.

Some smarty-pants political pundits who think they know everything say some of this is about race and that these states are firmly in the GOP column anyway.

"You will forgive me, I hope, a lack of excitement about the 'story' of the president's weakness in these two states [i.e. Arkansas and Kentucky] and in other border states with large fossil-fuel energy industries and relatively few African-Americans, since I've been reading about it since the 2008 primaries," Democratic strategist Ed Kilgore says in Wednesday's Washington Monthly Political Animal blog.

But others think the Democrats' sizable anti-Obama vote in the party primaries has much deeper implications for the election.

Such strong antipathy toward Mr. Obama at this end point in his trouble-plagued presidency is "an indicator of not-insignificant pockets of unrest within his party," The Washington Post's campaign trackers Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake write.

Racial factors "may be less of a problem for Obama than the broader cultural disconnect that many of these voters feel with the Democratic Party." They also quote Democrats who point to growing grievances that many in their party have over the political direction Mr. Obama is taking the country.

"The most significant factor is the perception/reality the Obama administration has leaned toward the ultra-left," says former Rep. Charles Stenholm, Texas Democrat.

That's certainly true in the coal-rich Appalachian states where Mr. Obama's zeal for eliminating coal as one of the fuels that run our country has triggered a political backlash against him and the Environmental Protection Agency, which is carrying out his anti-coal agenda.

These are states with large populations of low-income, blue-collar, "working class" Americans who have been hit hardest by Mr. Obama's economic policies, and they do not like the national Democratic Party's sharp lurch to the left on economic and cultural policies.


Friday, May 25, 2012

Obama's big deficit lie

President Obama claims federal budget deficits have not soared out of control during his administration. He has officially jumped the shark.

Deficit spending only works when economic growth is in high gear, and even then it only works temporarily. Paired with rampant 4% inflation every year, growth is guaranteed to stagnate and decline. You can't make wealth from debt. 

On Wednesday at a Denver fundraiser, Mr. Obama said he was "running to pay down our debt in a way that's balanced and responsible." He claimed that "after inheriting a $1 trillion deficit, I signed $2 trillion of spending cuts into law" and that since he has been president, "federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years. Think about that." It doesn't take much thought to see that this is the most absurd claim in political memory.

Mr. Obama is basing his boast on an already discredited study by journalist Rex Nutting that purported to show that "Obama has been the most fiscally moderate president we've had in 60 years." Among other fatal problems with the study is that it omits all spending that took place during the first nine months of the Obama administration, which were the last nine months of fiscal 2009. Thus, all of the initial spending programs to which the White House points with pride - particularly the failed nearly trillion-dollar economic stimulus program - are George W. Bush's responsibility so far as Mr. Nutting is concerned.

The "savings" Mr. Obama signed into law were all based on rosy economic projections, none of which has come true. The fiscal 2010 budget, fancifully titled "A New Era of Responsibility," projected a $1.2 trillion cut in the deficit to $533 billion by 2013. The fiscal 2012 budget, which had no hopeful title, raised this number to $768 billion. Mr. Obama's September 2011 deficit-reduction proposal further raised the projected 2013 deficit to $912 billion. The fiscal 2010 budget also hopefully projected 6.26 percent economic growth for 2012 rather than the anemic 1 percent to 2 percent growth the country is suffering. Naturally, Mr. Obama would much rather make reference to the imagined future his economists projected than to the grim reality he actually created.

Other simple metrics show the disastrous impact of Mr. Obama on the deficit. The 2009 budget deficit was three times that of 2008. The deficit as a percentage of gross domestic product went from 3.1 percent in 2008 to 9.9 percent in 2009. The deficit for the first month of fiscal 2010 was $176 billion, which was greater than the $161 billion deficit for all of 2007. In his first 986 days in office, up to Oct. 3, 2011, Mr. Obama oversaw a $4.2 trillion increase in the national debt, which was more than the debt accrued by all presidents from George Washington to George H.W. Bush combined.


Bad news for Obama in the mountains

President Obama isn't doing so well in some of his party primaries where a surprisingly large number of Democrats are giving him the thumbs down.

The sad part about this is that when many find Obama dissatisfying, they actually look to his statist counterparts on the far opposite side instead of truly moderate and responsible candidates such as Ron Paul or Gary Johnson. Choosing between Obama and Romney is simply picking your flavor of statism. 

The national news media are paying little attention to the Democrats' presidential primaries because Mr. Obama is assured of his nomination. But the large size of the anti-Obama vote - exposing deep unrest in his party's political base - has shaken his campaign's high command.

The latest explosions erupted Tuesday in the Kentucky and Arkansas primaries, which, of course, Mr. Obama won easily. But a stunning 42 percent of Kentucky Democrats voted for "uncommitted" on their ballots.

In yellow dog Democrat Arkansas, 42 percent voted for a little-known Tennessee lawyer, John Wolfe, over the president of the United States.

Two weeks ago in the West Virginia primary, Keith Judd, a convicted felon and now Texas prison inmate, got 41 percent of the vote.

Some smarty-pants political pundits who think they know everything say some of this is about race and that these states are firmly in the GOP column anyway.

"You will forgive me, I hope, a lack of excitement about the 'story' of the president's weakness in these two states [i.e. Arkansas and Kentucky] and in other border states with large fossil-fuel energy industries and relatively few African-Americans, since I've been reading about it since the 2008 primaries," Democratic strategist Ed Kilgore says in Wednesday's Washington Monthly Political Animal blog.

But others think the Democrats' sizable anti-Obama vote in the party primaries has much deeper implications for the election.

Such strong antipathy toward Mr. Obama at this end point in his trouble-plagued presidency is "an indicator of not-insignificant pockets of unrest within his party," The Washington Post's campaign trackers Chris Cillizza and Aaron Blake write.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Obama’s Allegiances

With his family by his side, Barack Obama is s...

NATO to Plan More War in Chicago

This week's NATO summit meeting, in Chicago, "will be full of aggressive activities: plans for wars around the world, new decisions about how the U.S will maintain hegemony in the oil-rich Middle East and ," said Chris Gavreau, spokesperson for UNAC, the United National Anti-War Coalition. Thousands of demonstrators are expected to converge on the city.

The Chicago school continues to remind us that the current regime is no better than its predecessors. 

Boycott the Two Major Parties

"We know him as a war president, we know him as an anti-civil liberties president, we know him as an austerity president – that's the record," said Dr. Tony Monteiro, professor of African American Studies at Temple University, in Philadelphia, speaking of Barack . "The same goes for Mitt Romney." Progressives and the Black Left should "boycott the two major parties" this cycle.

How about voting for an alternative to the status quo like Gary Johnson or Ron Paul. Left and right are both wrong. 

Obama the Militarist

The president proclaims his militarism "proudly, with repeated references to 'taking out' al Qaida operatives through the most illegal methods imaginable," said political analyst Paul Street, author of The Empire's New Clothes: Barack Obama and the Real World of . Street noted that Obama called his own health care program "centrist," while admitting that it is modeled on a plan developed by the rightwing Heritage Foundation in the Nineties.

Wreak Havoc at Banks

JP Morgan Chase, the nation's largest bank, gambled away billions because neither party made any real "effort to crack down on derivatives in general," said Doug Henwood, editor of Left Business Observer. "It's remarkable how little has changed since the financial crisis" of 2008, said Henwood. "This is precisely the sort of thing that was supposed to be stopped."

Obama's Allegiances

President Obama's "policies are similar to the Bush administration but, in my opinion, are far worse, because he presented himself in 2008 as a change agent," said Abayomi Azikewe, editor of the Pan African Newswire. Today, people see Obama as he really is, "a representative of the banks, the transnational corporations and the Pentagon – pure and simple." Azikewe spoke with host Solomon Commissiong on Your World , broadcast on WPWC Radio, in Washington, DC.

Original Page:

Friday, May 11, 2012

George W. Bush requests the most taxpayer dollars of ex-presidents
Former President George W. Bush is budgeted to receive the most money from taxpayers of all the living ex-presidents.
Bush, the most recent former president, is requesting more than $1.3 million in taxpayer dollars for fiscal year 2013, according to a budget proposal document prepared by the General Services Administration.
Those funds go towards an office staff, travel and postage. The former presidents Act of 1958 guarantees taxpayer funding for ex-presidents.
Former President Bill Clinton is requesting more than $1 million. Former President George H.W. Bush is requesting $879,000 and former President Jimmy Carter is requesting $518,000.
Imagine that, Bush wants more than he deserves for what he did TO this nation. I can't wait to see what Obama embezzles from the taxpayers once he's out of office (hopefully it doesn't take two terms to learn our lesson this time). Is there no end to the fleecing of America?

George W. Bush requests the most taxpayer dollars of ex-presidents – Patriot Update

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

On the False Two-party System in America, and Obamney

Found it on Libertarian Reddit. 
We're finally breaking through on Reddit!

Thunderbird wants to auto-correct Obamney to Baloney. Actually, I think that may be correct.

Too bad we can't undo more anything significant...

If you think there is no difference between Romney and Obama, then by all means let Obama pick your next three Supreme Court justices and dozens of federal judges.
See if that matters to the next quarter-century of your life.

The Supreme Court might be a little more relevant if these bankster-owned Republicrats weren't constantly violating the Constitution with impunity on a daily basis. The only law that is in force in America today is the law of the jungle. Operation Fast and Furious proves that.
Like Obama, Romney is a total neocon and all neocons are warmongers who want to use the US military to achieve the goals of the transnational criminals who have hijacked America.

A warmongering Demopublican president? How can it be that Obama is worse than W Bush? How can anyone still believe in the two-party system as a way to balance power in the government. They are like the hydra; two heads of the same monster.

Go to a list of supreme court judges for the last 50 or 60 years.
Try to guess the affiliation of who nominated whom.
You'll be horrified.
Then look at the recent ones that were nominated by a Demoblican President, but were blindly passed by a Republicrat Congress.
They really do play for the same team, sir.

The left-right paradigms is dead, but we won't stop poking it's corpse. We have a totalitarian regime which is trying to do everything to take away our NATURAL rights. The state exists only through people, it is intangible and mythical in all other regards, no more than a collection of words on paper.

Without which, people are simply enacting aggression against other people without provocation or justification. We need to maintain the principles of non-aggression and personal property on high to regain and maintain individual liberty over collective authority and minority will.

Left and Right are both wrong

And why vote for a lesser evil?

If we're going to eternity without the salvation part, let's go all out!

On Obama's Nobel Prize...

I'm still not sure what justified the prize in this case. It certainly is not on the grounds of peace.